35yr old female,fever with severe headache

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

Sushmitha didyala
Rollno  37

A 35 yr old female,resident of nakrikal,daily wage labour by occupation came with chief complaints of 
1)fever since 1 week 
2)headache since 1 week 

HOPI: patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week ago then she developed fever which is intermittent in nature and increasing at night time and decresing at morning associated with chills and headache. increase headache causing increase fever.
Fever id relieved with taking paracetamol.no history of nausea, vomiting,rashes,bodypain
--History of unilateral headache since 1 week which sever throbbing type of pain involving left fronto parietal occipital,pain is radiating to the neck,pain increases at night and due to the pain she wakes up at night,headache associated with phonophobia and blurring of vision(due to which she changed her spectacles),history of vomiting (1episode on 2nd jan morning )no history of tinnitus,there is decreased physical activity during episodes.there is tingiling sensation in hand and feet it is relieved with taking rest and medication. headache is aggrevated with stress, headache is  relieved with using naproxen,no history of lacrimation,photophobia, depression,irritation,cravings.
--History of left loin pain since yesterday morning which is dragging type of pain.history of burning micturation since 5days and decreased urine output since 4days, decreased frequency,no aggrevating and relieving factors,no history of urgency, hematuria,nausea, vomiting 

Daily routine:she wakes up around 5am and does her daily chores  and gets her children ready,and have breakfast at 8:30or 9am and then sleeps for some time before  she went to work (daily wage  labour) but stopped since 7years and 
 And then she cooks lunch and watch tv from 2pm to evening(watching serials etc) then she have tea in the evening and later she prepares dinner and eat at 9pm and sleeps at 9:30pm

Past history: she has similar complainys 1yr back. she is a known case of hypothyroidism since 10years for which she is medicine (throxine,sodium I.P 75mcg).
She had renal caliculi 6years back and reduced by conservatively (some medication she does not remmeber)
She is not  k/n/o diabetes mellitus,TB,epilepsy,CAD,asthma, hypertension.

Family history:no relevant family history
Personal history:
Appetite -reduced
Bowel and bladder-constipation 
No addictions 
No allergies present

General examination: 
Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative,
Moderatively built and nourished
On examination thyroid appears normal.
Pallor-present (anemia 8.8g/dl) under evaluation.
Clubbing -absent
Edema - absent 

Vitals -
Temp:99F(yesterday night)

Systemic examination:
Cvs:S1and S2 are heard and no abnormal sound heard.
Respiratory system:BAE+,normal vesicular breath  sounds heard.
Per abdomen:
-examination of oral cavity is normal 
-no flank fullness is seen.
-skin-no scars seen ,presence of linea striae.
-no dilated veins seen 
-Movements of abdominal wall-no visible peristalsis,no visible pulsations
-tenderness-hypogastrium and left lumbar region
-warmth- present (fever)
-rigidity,guarding is absent
*no organomegaly, normal bowel sounds heard
CNS:no focal deficits are found. 
Right handed person 

Counsious ,oreinted to time place person
Speech normal
Behaviour normal
Memory intact 
Intelligence normal 

Sensory system:
-fine touch: intact
-pain: normal 
-temperature  - normal
- vibration -normal
-stereognosis- normal
-two point discrimination-present

 Meningial sign :
 Kernigs sign negative 
Brudzinski sign negetive

Provisional diagnosis:
Migraine /renal caliculi/UTI under evaluation

  Complete urine examination
T3,T4,TSH levels
Ultrasound (3rd jan 2023)

2nd jan 2023
Inj-optineuron 1amp in 100ml of NS OD
Tab nitrofurantoin 100mg
Tab pan
Tab naproxen  250mg
Bp,temp,RR,PR check 4th hrly
Tab thyronorm   25mcg

